

Thursday, October 17, 2013

4 Months!

I am really late on updating the blog this month! I feel like I have been so busy lately. Lincoln is now getting to the point where he thinks he needs attention ALL the time. Which if I could, I would love to sit and play with him all day, but sadly, my house needs cleaning and clothes need washed.
Lincoln is now 4 months old! It seriously BLOWS my mind to think that it's been 4 months already. Only 2 more months and he'll already be a half year. That's just nuts!
He has become so fun! Every month I say "Oh this is my favorite phase!" but then the next month comes and I say it again. I have loved every single moment with my little man. I love the precious cuddles; I love the grin he gets on his face when he sees me; I love the way his eyes light up when he's excited; I love the way his nose scrunches up when he smiles; I love his sweet laugh; I love when he talks to me;  I love the chubby cheeks, hands, feet, legs and tummy; I love to watch him learn; I love watching his personality come out.
I LOVE him. :)
Even the nights that i'm frustrated because he just wants to stay up and play and all I want to do is sleep, I still can't help but smile at how amazingly blessed I am to have him in my life.
One of the best, yet intimidating feelings is that moment when he looks up at me and I can see that he has complete trust in me. Being a mother is truly one of the greatest things in life.
"Motherhood is the only thing in my life that I've really known for sure is something I wanted to do."- Cynthia Nixon 
Anyway, back to Lincoln..

He went to his 4 month check up and he now weights 13 pounds! Little chunky boy! He is 25 inches long. That is crazy! If I grew 5 inches in 4 months I would be hurting..babies are tougher than we realize!

*Lincoln absolutely loves to suck on his hands...it's hilarious to watch him try to put it in his mouth
*He is much more alert now. He loves to look around.
*He is starting to recognize faces. He gets excited to see mom, dad and grandma and grandpa
*He tried bananas and rice and wasn't so sure he liked it...maybe in a few more weeks

I love this boy more than words can describe. :)
Grandpa making him laugh

Check out those cheeks. oh i love them.

These 2 are my WORLD

Mommys little pumpkin <3.ps those pumpkins are from our garden.. Josh did good ;)

First Homecoming parade..it was cold

At the parade

more of the parade

Happy boy ready for church

Hanging out at grandmas

Great grandma is good at calming him down. 

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