

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


My goodness I haven't blogged in forever!! I figured it would be a good idea to blog alot more throughout my pregnancy so I have something to remember later on in life. So here goes:

On October 29 2012 I was on my way to work and I was feeling horrible.. I thought I had the flu. I called my mom (mainly because just the sound of her voice can comfort me, her sick child). I had mentioned earlier in the week that I was late on my period, so of course she says "You might be pregnant". I laughed and said "There is no way!! I would know if I was pregnant and Im not!" Then as the day went on I was talking to a friend and she said that I had some of the signs of pregnancy and that I should take a test. So after having 2 people in one day tell me they thought I was pregnant I started wondering. I figured it would probably be a good idea to take a pregnancy test just in case. During my lunch break I ran to walmart to grab a test, and as I was about to turn down the aisle I saw my aunt and Uncle. I had to act casual just in case I really was pregnant, I didn't want it getting out. As soon as they turned their heads I ran and grabbed the first pregnancy test I saw and had to run all the way around the store to avoid them.
 I got home and at this point I was still convinced I wasn't pregnant. I had taken many pregnancy tests before during some pregnancy scares and they had all turned up negative, so I thought this one would too.... 
3 minutes later It popped up...PREGNANT!! 

My jaw dropped. I honestly was in Shock. I really didn't believe it. I went and hid it in my dresser and as I was heading out the door I remember looking down at my stomach and I just started bawling. It hit me right then... I had a baby inside of me.... My future child. I cried the whole way to work. I was so happy/scared/confused.
As soon as I got to work I looked up "Ways to tell your spouse your pregnant". There were so many ideas but I just stuck with a simple way and bought a onesie that says "I Love Dad". 
When he got home he went out and started doing yard work. I was so excited to tell him and kept bugging him to come inside because I had an early birthday present for him. He finally came in and sat down and I handed him the gift bag. He pulled the onesie out and said "I knew it!!"... He was so excited and I started bawling again..(just the beginning of the emotional rollercoaster) That night we went to my parents to carve pumpkins and it honestly killed me not to tell them. 
 I called the doctor the next day and set up an appointment for November 9th. Josh wasn't going to be able to make it to the appointment because he had to work so of course I wanted my mom there. I went over the night before the appointment and hung out with my mom. My dad and the boys were doing baptisms for the dead at the temple. I wanted to tell all of them at once. Josh really wanted to be there too but he had to work and I just had to tell somebody. That night, as my mom and I were eating dinner and talking she said "I really want you to have a baby"...little did she know that I would be telling her later that night that she was going to be a grandma. :) 
As soon as my dad and the boys walked in the door I grabbed my moms ipad and pushed record and started my plan. I made a fake Christmas list of baby stuff and gave it to my mom and said "Mom I think Josh is going to need help finding this stuff on my Christmas list, could you help him?" She looked at the list and set it down confused shaking her head. She looked at me and laughed and I said "Mom, im pregnant!!" She just started crying and she was saying "Really? You're kidding!?" 
That was when my dad walked in and saw her crying and said "Oh, what did you do now" 
"Im pregnant dad!" :) Then Keaton realized what was going on and was bummed out because he will be gone on his mission when the baby is born. 
When Carson walked in I handed him the "Christmas list" and he just looked at it and set it down. "CARSON IM PREGNANT!" ....then he said "Well that's weird" Hahaha that boy cracks me up... I cant wait to see my parents as grandparents and my brothers as uncles. 

So the next morning my mom and I went to the appointment with Dr. Brietenbach. We were trying to figure out how far along I was and I was guessing I was about 4-6 weeks along...Turns out I was 9 weeks!! I couldn't believe it! The Doctors appointment made everything seem so real!! Im going to be a mommy!!

I am now 13 weeks and 1 day. I haven't been too sick. I've only actually been "sick sick" 4 times. I'm truly grateful that im not sick like my mother was. She lost weight during her pregnancy and was hospitalized because she was so sick. 

I've heard the heartbeat 3 times now (it makes it much easier when your mom is an OB nurse and I can just walk into her work and have her do it for me) I absolutely LOVE hearing that little heart beat. It is truly amazing. 

I am so grateful to be carrying this sweet child and I can't wait to hold this baby in my arms!! I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father has blessed me with the privlage of bearing children. I know there are so many out there who would be great parents and are trying and cannot conceive and I pray for them...

I know that even tho we are absolutely terrified about how to raise this child and how to afford everything, Heavenly Father will comfort us and help us know what we need to do.  :)

I will update after our next appointment :-)

Here are some pictures:

10 week photo

12 1/2 weeks

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Families are Forever

A few weekends ago my mom had to go the the hospital because she was having chest pains. I was in Bountiful and when I heard the news I started bawling..all I wanted to do was be there with her. My mom has had heart problems in the past and I was so afraid that those were coming back. I couldn't even think straight. Then, she got sent out to the SLC hospital which of course made me panic even more. I just kept telling myself  "She can't die, she needs to be a grandma and she promised me she would deliver my future children." It really made me realize how short life really is and that we can't take this time we have for granted. My mom recovered and was sent home. I was so relieved and grateful that Heavenly Father helped her to get well. I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father listens to our prayers. I am so grateful for that knowledge. I am also so very grateful for my Beautiful Mom. <3
Everything was finally getting back to normal and then I found out a friend from school committed suicide. That was really hard to take in. He was so young but I know he's in a better place. His funeral was beautiful and it really made me realize that Heavenly father comforts us when we really  need it. I felt the spirit stronger in there than I have felt it in a really long time. The testimonies I heard at that funeral were exactly what I needed to hear...because that night is when I would get the phone call that my grandpa had passed away.
   I was in shock. I didn't think I heard it right. I handed the phone to Josh knowing that he could talk to my dad and find out the stuff I wasn't ready to hear right then. We went to my parents house and it broke my heart to see my mom so sad. She has lost 2 fathers in her lifetime now. I can't imagine the pain she feels. My dad, josh and a few of my uncles gave my mom a blessing. I am so grateful for the Priesthood at a time like this.
I spent the whole day with her and watched as family and friends came by to share their love and concern for her.So many phone calls and messages. It was so comforting to see how many people really cared about us. I am so grateful for everyone of them. It means so much.
I know that my Grandpa is happy. I know that he is watching over us and he loves us all so much. I just wish more than anything that I would have called him one more time to say "I love you" I wish I could go back in time and let him know what a wonderful example he has been to me throughout my life. He was such a wonderful man. Always so happy and he could always make my day better. I saw him exactly one month ago and I am so grateful that I was able to see him when I did. I wrote him a note before they came to vernal  saying how much I love him that I forgot to give him before he left and now I wish so so bad that I would have given it to him. I kept getting a feeling before they left to give him the note and I just kept pushing it aside thinking "i'll give it to him next time, or mail it to him." I should have listened to the spirit. But I know that my grandpa knows I love him and that is what I have to keep telling myself.
Today I also found out that my cousin is having a baby. Congratulations to Alesha and Andrew. This news brightened my day so much. It really helped me remember that even when we lose someone in our lives, someone new always seems to come along, whether it's a friend or a brand new family member. Heavenly Father knew I needed to hear that news.

I am so eternally grateful for this gospel. Jesus Christ suffered for our sins so that we could return to our Heavenly Father and so we can be with our families forever. Heavenly Father knows the pain we are going through and He is more than willing to listen to our prayers and comfort us in this time of need. I am grateful for the knowledge that this is not the end. I will see my Grandpa again. I am so excited for that day when I can see him and give him a big hug again.
I love you Grandpa. You'll be forever missed. Xoxox
Your little Jessica Jill...

"With celestial sight, trials impossible to change become 

possible to endure."

--Russell M. Nelson

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Summer Days

Can I just say that working in the summer is not fun!. I miss being a kid and having an endless summer to do whatever I wanted...actually I should rephrase that, having an endless summer to do whatever my Mom let me do. :)
Almost every saturday this past month we've gone to the lake. I LOVE It! Josh and I bought a little boat so we've been taking that out to go fishing. Of course, my idea of fishing is Josh setting up my fishing pole for me, then me throwing the line into the water (which it never gets far) and then me laying down and soaking in the sun. I have yet to catch anything.... I wonder why. ;) The days Josh and I go to the lake are my favorite. It's a perfect time for us to just sit and talk and enjoy our time together both doing something we love. I haven't taken many pictures of us on the boat because my camera has no memory card and I dont like taking my phone out on the boat. But no worries, I have a whole summer to take pictures of us with our boat. :D
Last week I went to the lake with my cousins and my brothers. It was a blast. It was perfect weather when we got up there and after about 1 hour the winds started coming in. I decided that since we don't have an ocean, the best time to go the lake to get the "ocean effect" is when its CRAZY wind.. It was so fun jumping into the waves with the cousins. I felt like I was at the ocean....a very very small ocean. hahaha. 

I couldn't capture the waves very well on my phone. :/ 

I also went to the lake with my brothers Carson and Ben a few days ago. As we were getting ready to leave Ben (11) asked to take my Keys so he could change in my car. I of course let him take them...
Then as Carson and I were walking up the car I heard a car alarm going off...Ben came walking towards me with a "guilty" look on his face. "Jessica, I locked the Keys in your car"...
I of course was freaking out because those are the only keys I have to the car because they're those fancy keys that cost a bunch to make doubles of. Poor Ben felt horrible. He is a pro at makin someone feel guilty for yelling at him. He can pull those big teary eyes out of no where.
 I called  my mom panicking! I didn't know what to do. My mother being the amazing women she is found a police officer who was more than willing to come and save the day.He whipped out a little plastic wedge, and something that looked like a blood pressure cuff and a LONG stick. He used just those 3 simple things to unlock my car. I think I should carry a bloodpressure cuff around with me now ;). The officer was so kind and didnt charge us a thing..Even tho he had to go out of his way to do this for us.

Lots of Loves
Jess n Josh

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


CONGRATULATIONS KEATON!!! Im so proud of you Keaton!! You are such an amazing brother with such amazing talent! I love you!
Here is the awesome video that my Uncle made for Keatons Graduation

Opening Cards

The Cupcakes I made...I was quite proud of them :)

Keaton and Mrs. Wilde

Hahaha Love this picture. Usually Keaton is making the funny faces, but for once Daddy is.

"I'd like to thank Yoda..and Gandolf...but mostly Gandolf"-Keaton

I miss this girl! <3 Love you Nicole! Congrats!

Congratulations Keaton!! Love ya!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Dinosaurs and minecraft

So this past week one of the ladies from corporate came out to check up on us. Her name is Natalie and I absolutely adore her! She is just too funny!
She told me lots of her interesting theories...one being that she does not believe Dinosaurs EVER existed. I must say I was really confused when she said this. I looked at her and said "How can you not?" 
I guess she thinks that Dinosaurs bones were just placed on the Earth for us to find. I couldn't help but laugh. Then I went home and told my Hubby about this and he agreed with her. I disagreed.
We later on spoke with my daddy and discovered that I was right and he was wrong. ;) We do believe that Dinosaurs DID exist. But I just had to share what a crazy theory Natalie had, because I had never heard that in my entire life. Psssh...who cant believe in Dinosaurs??

So, Josh and I have a new found addiction.... MINECRAFT
Call me a nerd, but I am totally in love with this game. Its so easy and that's probably why I love it. You pretty much just dig and dig....and dig.. and then you can build stuff, but you mainly dig. Its pixelated (is that how you spell that..is that a word?) graphics so at first I thought "oh my heck, this is the stupidest game i've ever seen, I'll never play that". Then Josh convinced me to just try it out...  I then played for about 3-4 hours straight... Ridiculous,  I know.  We came to the conclusion that the reason it's pixelated graphics is because they spent so much time creating cool things you can do in the game that they didnt need awesome graphics because the game makes up for it.  I suggest you all try it. :)
Well I gotta get goin. <3
Tata for now!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day

First my Mother, forever my Friend. <3

I am so grateful for a wonderful mother who has been so supportive and loving all throughout my life.
I honestly don't know where I would be without her. She is always so willing to help me and everyone around me. She's such a wonderful example to me. I know Heavenly Father blessed me with her because he know that any other woman couldn't be as patient with me as my mom was. I am so grateful for her and for all the nights that she held my hand and cried when I cried. She raised me to do what was right and helped me realize that I am a Daughter of God.  I love her so much. She's so beautiful INSIDE AND OUT!. 
I love you mom.
Happy Mothers Day.
p.s. there are more pictures at the bottom. :)

I found this poem online and I thought it was perfect. I Love you.

To be a mother is not an easy task, 
yet you do it proudly everyday no matter what is asked.
You have turned your baby into a beautiful young lady.
You were there for me since the very beginning and saved me countless tears.
The pushy and wise advice you gave will carry me through the years.
With my every mistake or wrongful deed, 
you were always there to understand.
You put no limits on my dreams or anything else I wish to do.
You never forget to say you care or that you love me to.
The smile and tears upon your face when I achieve provides me with more value in my heart then you’d ever believe.
There is no other person that will shape my heart the way you’ve done, 
your job finished perfectly for your precious daughters and son.
We have had a rocky road through triumph and catastrophe, hard time and despair,
but not a single moment of time of not having a wonderful mother there.
You have always put in your last with love and my whole life is not enough time for me to repay you.
We always put our disagreements to the side and manage to make it through. 
I know that my teen years have driven you crazy but you have guided me with assurance along the way.
You have given me comfort and certainty with every breath I take within the day.
Your little girl is growing up but your baby girl will always remain deep inside me.
There are not enough words that can thank you for everything you have helped me emotionally and physically. 
I have my whole future ahead of me and you are the women that has leaded me and guided me towards the proper path.
How can one simple day prove that much thanks and love to someone who has pushed this far and still is working her way?
No other person deserves a more wonderful Mothers Day.

Source: Thank You Mother, Mother Daughter Poem http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/thank-you-mother-3#ixzz1umCXBbf3 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Well, I've decided that Im going to start blogging again. I only did it for about a week last time because I had nothing exciting going on.
Now that Josh and I have been married for 1 year, we've got alot more going on. We recently remodeled our downstairs living room/theater room. Let me tell ya, it was a pain in the BUTT!! We really hadn't planned on remodeling it for a while, until one night around 1 AM I heard a loud banging downstairs, I went down to see what was going on and I found my hubby tearing down some paneling in the hallway.  So, of course now we have to tear down the paneling in the rest of the basement. So that is how it started.
It took us a total of about 2 months to finally finish it. We would do bit by bit. We were both too busy to really spend a whole day on it. It also took longer because our house is Crooked, so Josh had to make a whole bunch of different things look level. Im so grateful for a husband who can figure that stuff out and make our home look beautiful. Once he finished his part, I started mine...the painting. Im known for being the MESSIEST painter ever! He tells everyone of his first experience painting with me. We were painting our upstairs a maroon/red and so of course we put plastic down, but he didn't realize that he would need to be putting the plastic on the couches also. I somehow got the couch splattered with paint from 20 ft away. Also, one of the times we were painting outside I trailed white paint all the way down our porch stairs and on the side of the house. Don't ask me how I do it, but I do. I honestly try not to be messy, but it's pretty darn hard.
So, when Josh told me that I would be painting downstairs I was kind of nervous because we have new couches and we would be painting the walls purple, but amazingly, I didnt get a single drop on anything. I was so proud of myself.
I will post pictures soon. Josh will be putting the baseboard on soon, so I dont want to take pictures without that on.
Hopefully I can update my blog atleast 3 times a week, but we'll see how it goes.

Lots of Love