

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

8 months!!!

Everytime I update the blog it just BLOWS my mind. I seriously cannot believe how big my baby is getting! Time is going too fast! Only 4 short months til he's one. It makes me tear up thinking about it.
Sorry this is so late. We randomly decided to remodel our upstairs. I will do a whole blog post on that later. :)
He's so dang cute! :)

Happy bug!

What happened to my tiny baby!!

**Lincoln Loves to bounce if you're holding him. He never sits still**
*He Loves going outside. When he sees me going to the door he gets all excited and starts squealing.*
*He thinks he needs to be held 24/7*
*He likes to play the piano. If I walk past it when i'm holding him he gets mad if he doesn't get to play it"
*He loves our dog.*
*He gets really excited when we show him the fishtank. He kicks his feet and starts laughing and trying to get the fish. It's adorable*
*He's still not crawling...which honestly, I'm fine with. If he was crawling, this remodel would've never happened with his helping hands. ;) **
*He got his first haircut on 2/15/14

.He sat still the whole time.He just wanted to see what she was doin with the scissors. haha*

Love this sweet boy more than I can say 

Messy face 

Playing with toys while daddy remodels

All ready for Church. 

He loves his Uncle Carsy

My favorite birthday present :)

He kept rocking the chair back and forth and thought he was so big

This is his favorite :)

Loves his daddy

First time bowling. :)

Lincolns girlfriend Harper. They were born 2 days apart :) She was trying to hug him and he wasn't too sure what he thought of that. haha

Standin up

SO big

Kickin the ball around with daddy :)