It has been TOO long since I blogged.. I need to do better.. Hopefully once our little man gets here I will have more to blog about.
I am 38 weeks. I still can't believe it! Today Josh came home and said "Babe, I have some Good news!!"
Me: "What is it?!?"
Josh: "Our baby is coming in 2 weeks!!!"
Yes I do agree, that is some WONDERFUL news! :) It makes me so happy to think that in 2 weeks...or less I could be holding my sweet baby boy in my arms. I have all sorts of emotions right now.
and many more that I can't even think of. :)
Life has been hectic lately.
Lots of cleaning, organizing and planning. I never realized just how much stuff a baby needs. I feel SO blessed to have received almost everything I needed from friends and family at my baby showers. Heavenly Father has blessed Josh and I with some of the most wonderful friends/family.
We finally finished the nursery. There are just a few last finishing touches I need to put up. As soon as I do I will post some pictures.
Every time I walk into the nursery I get butterflies. I picture our baby boy in his crib and I start to tear up. I feel so blessed that Heavenly Father is blessing us with one of his children.
Well I better update ya on the baby...
I have been having weekly appointments for about a month now. 2 weeks ago my belly was measuring 32 cm...which is pretty small for being 36 weeks. So then Dr. B told me to go get an Ultra sound and a Nonstress test to make sure that the baby is doin good. They wanted to check and make sure I don't have IUGR- Intrauterine Growth Restriction: The most common definition of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a fetal weight that is below the 10th percentile for gestational age as determined through an ultrasound. This can also be called small-for gestational age (SGA) or fetal growth restriction.
At the ultra sound I found out that our baby boy is in the 6th Percentile. He is a little baby. I'm not surprised tho. I was only 4 pounds 7 oz when I was born and Josh was only 5 pounds 5 oz.
While I was in getting the ultra sound, the Tech says "Oh good, it's still a GIRL"
I had to think twice about what he said. I of course replied with a big "WHAT?!" I started freakin out for a minute. Not that I wouldn't want a baby girl, I just have SO much boy stuff that I think she would have to dress like a boy for the first few weeks.
He was kidding...
I am still carrying a sweet baby BOY :)
At my appointment on Wednesday I was still measuring only 32 cm. Dr. B is starting to get a little worried so he is having me get another ultra sound this coming monday. If the amniotic fluid is low or something doesn't look right Dr. B said we will deliver him ASAP. I pray everything is okay with our little man.
I know there are some things I am going to miss about being pregnant but I think the thing I'll miss the most is feeling him move around and kick throughout the day/night. It is the most amazing feeling and I can't even explain how much joy it brings me when I feel that movement.
These past few weeks his movements have gotten bigger and stronger. I could sit for hours and watch him move. It amazes me..
A couple weeks ago I went to visit my mom at work (she is an OB nurse). At this point I was 35 weeks. They had just delivered a baby who was only 35 weeks. I sat and stared at that tiny baby for a while, realizing that my baby is about the same size and IN my stomach. It is pretty crazy to see it like that. I now understand why I am seeing and feeling every single movement.
Life is a Miracle.
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