

Sunday, April 13, 2014

9 & 10 Month update

I am getting worse and worse about updating this blog. LOL. So here is the 9 and 10 month update. I hope I can remember everything that's happened.

9 Months

**Lincoln learned how to crawl on March 7th and hasn't slowed down since**
*He still has no teeth*
*He has such a funny personality. If he hears adults or kids laughing he does his fake laugh*

10 Months

(He was not happy to be having his picture taken in these) 
Note: the onesie he is wearing in his 10 month pics is the onesie I used to tell Josh we were expecting! I can't believe he fits in it now! :) :( So bitter sweet!

*Lincoln thinks he is big enough to walk along the couches and walls. I still think he's too little!*
*He isn't a fan of laying down..as you can tell in his 10 month pictures. This also makes diaper changes a challenge. 
*He waves bye bye and if he know's someone is leaving he has a little break down. It's pretty sad.
*He points to everything. I love his cute chubby finger. It always makes me laugh
* He absolutely LOVES it outside. If we pass the door he points and waves bye bye cause he knows that when we go 'byebye' we go outside. And then when I don't take him outside he throws a fit. 
*He says 'puppy' (more like 'puh puh' 'mama' 'dadda' 'ball'
* We bought him a big ball for Easter and put it in my closet until Easter. The other day he woke up (yes he sleeps in my bed. :/) and he sits up and points to his ball and says " ball" It was adorable. I can't believe he's growing up so fast!
*When he plays with cars or pushes his walker, he tries to make car noises. 
*He growls at stuff
*He always sticks his tongue out. I'll try to post a video. 
*He Loves his daddy. He cries when he sees his daddy walk out of a room. And this morning while getting ready for church, Lincoln sat outside of the bathroom and cried while Josh was in the shower. He didn't want anything to do with me.
*He loves his grandpa and grandma. He chooses them over me everytime. haha
*He had his first ice cream cone...he's now addicted. Anytime he sees me eating icecream he opens his mouth.
*He loves food..not baby food...big kid food. Anything I eat, he thinks he needs to eat.
*He's into everything. (as I type this he is getting into something)
*He's not a fan of animals (except our cat) If the puppies get close to him he starts kicking them away and cries.

He's changed so much.

I love this little boy more than words can express. He brings me so much Joy.

He loves his uncles

I love these two SO much

First ice cream cone

He just LOVES his daddy

"Yea...I'm cool"

Lovin the nice weather

 Ha I love him

Just hanging out with Peyton


Pushin her away..lol

His cute Girlfriend Peyton

See that cute pointer finger! I LOVE IT.. he was really grumpy in this pic

His first egg

Dyeing Easter Eggs yesterday

Crawling around

Playing Cars with daddy

He thinks he's so big...hanging out with the uncles

Mmmm Crackers

Yea...doesn't like those puppies

He loves the swings

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